
Friday, August 27, 2010

6 Common Timeshare Scams You Need to Avoid

There are more timeshare scams than there are legitimate timeshare deals. It’s important to identify the scams to avoid falling into a trap. If you end up falling for a scam, you will have no choice but to pay excessive fees for years to come. Timeshares are almost impossible to get rid of these days, and if you’re not careful, you could fall into a timeshare “reselling” scam!

Here are some tips for identify scams:

1. Over evaluation. Sometimes solicitors will try to tell you that the property is worth a lot more than it actually is, and that you’ll be getting a good deal if you buy it. If you do buy it and want to resell it, some “resellers” will try to tell you that they will sale it for a lot of money if you just pay them an upfront fee. Don’t believe any of this.

2. A similar scam is the “buyer waiting” lie. If you ever want to get rid of your timeshare, a reseller will try to tell you that there are buyers lined up to buy properties such as yours. The truth is that nobody is really interested in timeshares these days. Chances are, NOBODY will be interested in buying the property – at least not at the price promised by the reseller.

3. Sometimes solicitors will try to lure you into a sell via the deferred payment scheme. They promise to give you a discount if you pay half of the money upfront. Similarly, resellers will promise to sell your timeshare at a favorable price if you agree to pay a huge fee upfront. Don’t fall for any discount promises, whatsoever.

4. Timeshare sellers will try to sneak things into the fine print, so it’s important to read every single bit of the contract before purchasing. Sellers obviously won’t tell you about every single fee during the presentation. Also, be cautious if you’re promised a special “prize” for “signing up RIGHT NOW!” Chances are, you’ll have to pay for that prize in one way or another – usually through hidden fees.

5. Don’t buy into the hype that owning a timeshare can be a lucrative income opportunity. While you might be able to make some money by renting your timeshare in places like Orlando and Vegas, the income will probably only be enough to offset the costs of maintenance fees. The chances of you making an actual profit are very slim.

6. Don’t believe any timeshare resale representative who tells you that they have access to businesses and organizations who buy timeshare in bulk. Even if they do, which is unlikely, your own property might not be impressive enough to sell to such clients. Never pay an upfront fee over this type of offer.

These are just a few of the many timeshare scams out there. If you are thinking about buying timeshare, now isn’t the best time to do so since the economy is down. If you already do own timeshare and want to get rid of it, don’t fall into any “resale” trap.

How to Identify and Avoid a Timeshare Resale Scam

Timeshare sales representatives can be very pushy. They will say just about anything in order to trick people into buying their share of a property. Unfortunately, many people end up falling into their trap. Some do so because they’re lied to about the state of the industry. Others do so because they don’t feel like sitting in a timeshare presentation all day long, and agree to the purchase just to get away from pushy sellers.

Both of these types of buyers will ultimately want out of the timeshare. Sadly, it’s extremely difficult to get out of such a scheme. The timeshare resale industry is just as bad as the regular sellers. Resellers will charge an upfront fee and promise to sell the property at a profitable price. Most of these companies are unable to sell anything for anyone.

If you are trying to get rid of your timeshare, you need to learn about the resale scams.

Here are some tips for identifying and avoiding such scams:

• If a company claims to have wealthy clients waiting to buy properties such as yours, don’t believe it. Even if they really do, then those clients are only interested in certain properties, which may not include yours. They high extremely high standards and are very selective with which properties they choose.
• If you ever receive a letter or a phone call from someone claiming to have a buyer for your property, just as long as you cover the closing costs, don’t believe them. These scam artists will take your money and run with it! By the time you realize your mistake, they will have moved on.
• If a company ever tells you that you can’t “sell your property on your own!” take such a statement with a grain of salt. No, you might not be able to sell it on your own, but that doesn’t mean you should give them money to sell it for you.
• Be cautious whenever a resale company promises to place your ad in listings that you yourself cannot access. These companies will make you think that there are primary market listings that average timeshare owners such as yourself can’t access. They’ll charge you a fee, and then throw up an ad in regular listings. They won’t actively try to sell your property at all.

These are just a few samples of what lengths timeshare resellers will go through to scam you. The safest way to get rid of your timeshare, other than selling it yourself, is to go through a timeshare exit provider. This type of company will not make any guarantees about selling your property. Instead, it will help you come up with the best and safest exit strategy possible.

Timeshare – A Look at Timeshares from the 1960’s to Today

A timeshare is a type of vacation property ownership. For years, this was the ideal solution for individuals who wanted to own vacation property on a limited budget. One villa or condo could be owned by a few different owners who take turns vacationing on the property. There are timeshare rental properties in tourist hot spots all over the world.

The first timeshares were in Europe during the 60’s. One of the first companies involved in this industry was a French development business called the Societe des Grands Travaux de Marseille, or “Society of the Big Works of Marseilles”. The SuperDevoluv ski resort in the French Alps was the very first company to adopt the timeshare strategy.

In 1969, the US joined in the timeshare industry. The company Vacation International was developed on the island of Kauai. Interested individuals were offered weeks of ownership on a leasing basis. In the 1970s, more states starting catching on to the timeshare strategy. The state of Florida in particular established many timeshare ownership programs.

Timeshare properties started to become popular with the middle class in the 80’s, and by 1990, “timeshare” was a household name. Even major hotel chains such as Sheraton and Hilton began to offer timeshare opportunities. Working-class families found these opportunities to be very appealing, since they didn’t want to spend a lot of money on accommodation.

Boy have times changed.

Now, the timeshare industry is in a horrible state. This is primarily due to two reasons: a failing economy and a multitude of scams. Due to the failing economy, people no longer have enough money to pay the annual fees that come with timeshare ownership. When they do go on vacation, they use the internet to find discounts on regular hotel rooms.

Timeshare scams have gotten out of control, as it isn’t as regulated as well as it should be. Now, there are more people who want to sell their timeshare than those who want to buy it. Vacationers are pressured to attend meetings where they will be solicited to. Sellers will tell vacationers almost anything to make a sale. Many people end up agreeing to the timeshare just so that they can get out of the presentation!

In addition to selling scams, there are also reselling scams. Some companies are taking advantage of those who are trapped in schemes and promise to help them sell their timeshares IF they pay a huge upfront fee. These scammers make it seem as if they have access to many buyers who are lined up to buy properties. When the timeshare owners pay the upfront fees, they never hear from the reseller again.

The best way to get out of an unwanted timeshare is to consult an honest company that offers a variety of ex strategies. An honest company will not make any guarantees or promises it can’t fulfill. It will offer more solutions than just “reselling” the property.

Stuck with Timeshare Property You Don’t Want? Learn How to Obtain Timeshare Relief!

The timeshare industry isn’t doing so well right now, due to the state of the economy. If you own a timeshare, you’ve probably noticed that your fees have been going up over the past few years. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to get rid of this kind of property in today’s market. If you’ve tried to sell yours, you’ve undoubtedly realized that it’s almost impossible to do.

Sales people will do and say anything to get tourists to buy time share. No matter how you came to own it, you’re probably disappointed that it’s not a good investment. Perhaps you’ve gotten some good use out of it in the past. Maybe you and your family were able to go on a nice vacation. However, things change, and now more people are trying to sell timeshare than buy it.

If you don’t get rid of your timeshare, your children might inherit it someday. Do you want them to be stuck with something they don’t want? They’ll have to pay the annual fees, just as you are now. Trying to sell it is not only hard; it also costs a lot of money. Advertising fees can really add up – especially when they aren’t effective.

So, what can you do? How can you escape from the time share trap? You need to come up with a good exit strategy. Fortunately, there are some companies who specialize in the resale and acquisition of timeshare. Working with such a company is the best choice.

Now, you need to choose a resale company that doesn’t charge any startup fees. You shouldn’t have to pay any money. Even if a reseller “guarantees” that they will sell your property for you, you still shouldn’t pay any money upfront. The fact is, there is no 100% guarantee in this market.

What you can do is request help from a resale company that doesn’t charge any money or make any promises they won’t be able to keep. One important to look for is longevity. A company that has been around for many years is usually one that you can trust. A fraudulent “organization” won’t be around for very long – especially in this industry.

Do some research to find the right resale company that will provide you with timeshare relief. Choose one that has a long track record of helping owners such as yourself get rid of their properties. The BBB is always a good place to check. You can also read rip-off reports to see if the company you’re interested in has any negative reviews.

Important Information You Need to Know About Donating Timeshare to Charity

Many charities accept timeshare donations these days. Thousands of owners want to sell their timeshare, but don’t the means to do so. Advertising fees can cost a lot of money. On the other hand, paying fees on the property every year can cost a lot of money also. Thus, a lot of people are stuck with timeshare that they don’t even want or use.

If you are one of these people, then one of the easiest ways to get rid of your property is to find a company that will sell it for you, and donate the proceeds to charity. Doing this will save you a lot of money, and it will also benefit those less fortunate than you. You might even get a decent tax write-off for donating to charity! It probably won’t be much, but it’ll be better than nothing.

Now, before you can donate, you need to have all of the liens, mortgages, and fees up to date. A charitable organization won’t accept a timeshare if there is still money owed on them. It’ll also be easier to sell when everything is up to date.

You need to find a company that won’t charge you any upfront money. A legitimate company will help you with the transfer of the property. Once the transfer is complete, you won’t be responsible for any more fees. They will also have information about the charities they donate to on their website.

Keep in mind that not all timeshares are accepted for charity. There could be a few reasons for this. The most obvious reason is due to outstanding mortgages. You will have to pay off the outstanding mortgage before you can get rid of the property. Unpaid maintenance fees will also be a problem when you try to give your timeshare away. Another reason is that the property is badly deteriorated and badly maintained.

Assuming that your payments are all taken care of and the property is in good condition, your timeshare will probably be accepted. The gifts usually sell anywhere from $50 to $5,000, depending on the quality and the amount of timeshare that you donate. The tax deduction is for the fair market value.

You may or may not need an appraisal, depending on the value of the gift. If it’s less than $5,000, then you probably won’t need one. If you think your timeshare is worth more than $5,000, however, then you probably will. As long as you work with a good company, you will receive all of the information and resources you need for giving your timeshare away!

Tips for Choosing the Right Timeshare Resale Organization

People get trapped in timeshare schemes for a variety of reasons. As easy as they are to fall into, they are difficult to escape. As a solution, some companies were created to provide timeshare owners with exit solutions. If you’re stuck and want out, you’ll be glad to know that help is available.

Whatever you do, don’t pay any upfront fees. A legitimate company won’t charge you any listing fees, relisting fees, advertising fees, or appraisal fees. Stay away from any resellers that do.

Will you benefit from acquiring the services of a resale company? If any of the following applies to you, you probably will:

• If you’re trapped in a timeshare for which you have no use.
• If you’re overwhelmed by excessive maintenance fees and other expenses.
• If you’re frustrated over not being able to sell the property on your own.
• If the property isn’t available on the dates you need it to be.
• If you’re divorced or widowed and can no longer afford the fees.
• If you’ve recently inherited a timeshare and have no use for it.

If you choose the right company, your name will be completely taken off of the deed. You will no longer be responsible for paying any more money after they process is complete.

Some resale companies might require you to pay the remaining fees on the timeshare for up to four months after the initial agreement date. This is just to make sure that everything is cleared for the new owner. Some entities might take immediate responsibility for all future maintenance fees and property taxes. Just do research to learn what exactly you will be responsible for.

Here are a few tips for finding the right resale service:

• Don’t give out your credit card number.
• Research a company before doing business with them.
• Never pay any upfront money – especially if the company doesn’t offer a written contract.
• Check and see if the company you’re interested in gives proceeds to charity.
• Visit the Better Business Bureau’s website to see if the organization has a high rating.
• See if the company offers you the chance to meet a representative in person.

There are a lot of scams in the resale market. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to sell timeshare all on your own. This is because the market is doing very poorly right now, and only individuals who are financially well-off can afford to buy timeshare. Of course, they are only interested in the best properties. A reliable resale company will have connections and affiliates that you do not have, and will thus be more likely to sell your timeshare than you.

Want to Sell Your Timeshare? Learn Why it’s in Your Best Interest to Acquire Professional Assistance

Many tourists are taken advantage of by timeshare sellers. After ending up with timeshares that they don’t want, they also get taken advantage of by resellers. These days, it seems almost impossible to get rid of timeshare that you don’t want. On one hand, you will have to spend a lot of money on advertisements if you want to sell it on your own. On the other, you will have to pay a third party to sell it for you. Neither of these options is a guarantee that you will actually get rid of your timeshare.

So, what can you do? You could either give it to charity or request help from a company that doesn’t charge money upfront. These companies are few and far between, but they are out there. This type of organization will not make you any empty promises. They will not mislead you into thinking that they will sell your timeshare for a lot of money.

As for the charities, they want to sell your property for non-profit. They will donate the proceeds to a good cause. You probably won’t get any profit yourself, save for a bit of money you get for writing the donation off for tax purposes, but at least you’ll be free from the timeshare.

Before making the final decision about getting rid of your timeshare, you need to make sure it has no value to you. Do you and your family actually stay at the property at least once a year? Are you planning a vacation to the location in which the property sits in the future? If so, then you might not want to sell it just yet.

However, if you never use the timeshare and don’t plan on using it in the future, it’s only costing you money. You’re wasting a lot of money on fees. Most properties are difficult to sell on the secondary market, so you’ll need to either donate it or request help from an honest company.

Professional timeshare resellers have more connections than the average owner. They can sell property to leaders in the travel and tourism market. The property will be used for a variety of purposes, such as accommodation for business travelers, conventions, bulk holdings, and so forth. Will these same entities purchase the timeshare from you? No. They have strict criteria concerning the quality of the timeshare they receive, and most average owners don’t meet their criteria.

Before agreeing to help you, a resale company will require that all of your fees and existing mortgages be up to date. The property should also be clean and well-maintained. As long as it’s worth something in the market, and as long as you owe no money on it, you can receive help from a timeshare reselling company. Just make sure that it’s reliable, and never, ever pay any upfront fees.

Stuck With a Timeshare You Don’t Want? Learn How to Get Rid of It!

If you’re having trouble selling your timeshare, you might want to consult with a timeshare selling company. There are many companies, though, so you need to be careful with your decision. Some companies charge up-front fees and never manage to make the sale. They will only take your money and not do anything for you in return.

Even if a site offers you a guarantee, you shouldn’t pay any upfront fee. If a real estate sales pitch sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The market for timeshares is doing poorly right now, so very few companies actually have the right resources and affiliates for selling shares.

How can you tell whether a company is legitimate or not? For starters, a legitimate company will never outright ask you for any money. You shouldn’t be charged for anything until after your property share is sold. If an organization fails to make the sale for you, you will not only be out of money, you’ll also still be responsible for annual fees.

Be wary of listing companies that promise to sell your property at ballooned prices. Once again, the market isn’t very strong right now, so you shouldn’t expect to receive a lot of money. There are hundreds of thousands of other timeshare owners trying to free themselves from the responsibility for something they probably didn’t even want in the first place.

Many people are suckered into buying timeshare and are unsure how to get rid of it. Thus, they are stuck with it and the fees until they are able to make a sale. You are competing with all of these people, which is why consulting with professionals is so important.

Before your timeshare can be sold, you need to make sure that there is no mortgage on it. You’ll have to pay it in full before a company can sell it. Different sellers have different policies. Typically, they will require that you take care of all fees billed 180 days after the agreement with their company. For example, if you pay your fees quarterly, you’ll be responsible for the next four month’s payments.

A reliable company will handle the paperwork and the transfer information. All the paperwork is submitted to a title agency to professionally handle your transfer of ownership. The resort will be notified that you are no longer the owner. The closing service information is recorded on the Deed. All in all, most of the hard work is done by the company.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stuck with Something You Don’t Want? Learn How to Get Timeshare Relief!

If you are stuck with a timeshare you don’t want, you’re not alone. Many people have timeshares that they can’t get rid of. There are a number of reasons why people want to get rid of their timeshares. For starters, there are a lot of fees involved. If you never get to use your share, you’re paying the fees for nothing.

Perhaps you got a new job or a divorce and can longer go on vacation. So now you own a share in a resort that you never get to visit. Whether it’s a personal reason or you simply do not have the time or money to visit the same location anymore, you need some timeshare relief.

Another reason you could be stuck with timeshare you don’t want is because you were tricked into acquiring it. This is all too common. Sellers push travelers into buying something they’ll probably never use. They won’t let up until you buy something, and the next thing you know, you’ve got all kinds of hidden costs to pay.

You could try selling it on your own, but the chances of success are very slim. Why? Because in today’s economy, not many people can afford timeshare. Most people can’t afford the luxury of a vacation. Even if they can, they book their reservations through bargain travel websites. There is a lot of controversy over timeshares and many people try to steer clear of it lest they end up with something they don’t want.

There are also tons of fees involved in trying to sell property. If you try selling it on your own, you will have to pay a lot of advertising fees. Another option is to hire a professional seller to help you get rid of it. Unfortunately, many companies are a waste of time and money. They will promise to help you, but you will only be disappointed in the end.

The most affordable option is to have your timeshare sold for charity. Not only will you finally get rid of your unwanted timeshare, you may also receive tax benefits. Now, you probably won’t receive very much, but it’ll still be better than nothing. At least you won’t have to worry about fees anymore.

How do the donations work, anyway? A charitable organization that specializes in real estate will have many more connections than you. Plus, buyers would rather buy timeshare from a charity than from the owner. Once your property is sold, the proceeds are passed on as charitable donations. Some companies will even let you choose the charity!

Interested in Donating Your Timeshare? Learn About the Benefits!

Have timeshare that you can no longer afford to maintain? Is it proving to be more trouble than it’s worth? Why not donate it? There are some great organizations that will assist you if you want to donate your timeshare. If you have been unable to sell your timeshare, the charitable organization will do so for you. The proceeds of the sale will go to a good cause.

How can a charity successfully make a sale when you cannot? The resale market is rather difficult, and it can be hard to sell something when you don’t have the right connections. These charitable organizations do have the right connections with various real estate firms. They have established relationships with different timeshare companies around the world. As long as the title is good, your property can be sold within twelve weeks.

Now, despite what you may have heard, you probably won’t receive a huge tax benefit for donating your timeshare to charity. While you might be able to receive some money, it will probably be less than the amount you would receive if you sold the property yourself. On the flip side, if you were to sell it yourself, you would probably have to spend a lot of money in fees and advertisements anyway.

There are many benefits of donating timeshare:

  • You won’t have to worry about any upfront costs. As long as you choose a charity that doesn’t charge any fees, you won’t have to spend a lot of money.

  • The process is very quick. You can get rid of that timeshare once and for all, and it will only take eight to twelve weeks.

  • There aren’t any hassles involved. The charitable organization will take care of everything for you, including the transfer process.

  • You can use the donation as a tax write-off. Once again, this probably won’t result in a lot of money for you, but you will at least get something. Any amount isn’t bad considering the charity does all of the hard work for you.

  • You will be helping somebody in need. Some organizations will even let you choose where the proceeds go!

  • You’ll save a lot of money in the long run, since you won’t have to pay any yearly fees or maintenance expenses.

Obviously, donating timeshare to charity is a wonderful opportunity. Both you and the recipient of the proceeds will benefit! However, your timeshare must be free and clear of any fees and outstanding mortgage. All of the fees need to be up to date before you can donate.